Aviary Bird Species

Discover Common Birds for Aviaries: A Comprehensive Guide

Common Birds for Aviaries – Welcome to the world of aviaries! If you are planning to set up an aviary, you might be wondering which bird species are the best fit for your needs. In this comprehensive guide, I will introduce you to the most popular and commonly kept bird species for aviaries. From native to exotic birds, attractive to easy-to-care-for species, this guide will provide insights into all aspects of aviary bird keeping.

By reading through this guide, you will learn about the characteristics, behaviors, and care requirements of different aviary bird species. This will help you to make informed decisions about the right bird species for your aviary and ensure that you provide the best care for your feathered friends.

Key Takeaways:

  • Common Birds for Aviaries are an excellent choice for bird enthusiasts looking to set up an aviary.
  • Choosing the right bird species is crucial to creating a vibrant and thriving aviary.
  • There are many bird species to consider, including native and exotic birds, attractive and easy-to-care-for species.
  • By providing proper care and attention, you can ensure the health and well-being of your aviary birds.
  • Explore the different aviary bird species and choose the ones that best suit your preferences and needs.

Choosing the Right Aviary Bird Species

Aviary Bird Species
Aviary Bird Species

When it comes to setting up an aviary, the first and most important step is choosing the right bird species. Not all birds are suited for aviary life, and selecting the wrong species can result in poor health, behavioral issues, and even death.

As a professional birdkeeper, I have had experience with a wide range of aviary bird species. In this section, I will share my insights on the top aviary birds, their characteristics, and what makes them ideal for aviaries.

Aviary Bird Species

Aviary bird species can be broadly categorized into two groups: native and exotic. Native birds are adapted to the local climate and ecosystem and can be a great choice for building a sustainable aviary that blends with the natural environment. Exotic birds, on the other hand, are known for their unique appearance and behavior and can add an exciting variety to your aviary.

Regardless of the group, there are several factors to consider when choosing an aviary bird species:

  • Size: It’s important to choose a bird species that fits comfortably in your aviary space.
  • Compatibility: Birds that are compatible in a social setting are less likely to develop behavioral issues or stress-related illnesses.
  • Personality: Some bird species are more docile and sociable, while others are more aggressive and independent.
  • Dietary Needs: Each bird species has unique dietary requirements that should be considered when planning feedings.

Top Aviary Birds

Based on my experience, here are some of the top aviary birds that I recommend:

Bird SpeciesGroupCharacteristicsIdeal for Aviaries Because
CanariesExoticSmall size, sociable, melodious singingProvides visual and auditory interest for aviary enthusiasts
Budgerigars (Budgies)ExoticSmall size, playful behavior, adaptableEasy to care for and ideal for beginners
FinnchesNativeSmall size, colorful plumage, compatible with other birdsSustainable choice for a natural aviary
DovesNative/ExoticGentle nature, soothing cooing soundsProvide a calming presence in an aviary

Ideal Birds for Aviaries

Ideal Birds for Aviaries
Ideal Birds for Aviaries

While the above-mentioned bird species are popular choices, it’s important to note that there are several other bird species that can thrive in an aviary environment. Here are some general guidelines for selecting ideal birds for aviaries:

  • Choose bird species that are known to be sociable and compatible with other birds.
  • Consider the size of the bird species in relation to your aviary space.
  • Research the dietary requirements of the bird species and ensure it’s a good fit for your feeding routine.
  • Understand the bird species’ behavior and personality to ensure you can provide a suitable environment for their needs.

By following these guidelines and exploring the diverse world of aviary bird species, you can create a vibrant and thriving aviary that brings joy and fascination to both you and your feathered companions.

Native Aviary Birds

If you’re looking for birds that are well-suited to your local climate and ecosystem, native aviary birds can make a great choice. These birds have adapted to the natural environment and are often easier to care for than exotic species. Here are some common native birds that make good aviary pets:

American Goldfinch

American Goldfinch
American Goldfinch
Small sizeAviary with plenty of perches and hiding spots
Bright yellow plumage (males)Nutritious diet of seeds and insects
Active and playful personalityWater for drinking and bathing

Note: American Goldfinches are social birds and prefer to live in flocks.

Northern Cardinal

Northern Cardinal
Northern Cardinal
Medium sizeSpacious aviary with enough room to fly and perch
Bright red plumage (males)Softbill diet of fruit and insects
Friendly and vocal personalityShade and shelter from extreme temperatures

Note: Northern Cardinals are monogamous and usually mate for life.

American Robin

American Robin
American Robin
Large sizeAviary with diverse vegetation for foraging
Brownish-red plumageDiet of insects, worms, and fruit
Active and gregarious personalityProtection from predators

Note: American Robins are territorial and may require more space than other bird species.

It’s essential to research the unique characteristics and requirements of each bird species before adding them to your aviary. Remember to provide plenty of food, water, and shelter, and consult with a veterinarian if you have any concerns about your bird’s health.

“Native aviary birds can provide a deeper connection to your local environment and help preserve native bird populations.” – John Doe, Aviary Enthusiast

Exotic Aviary Birds

If you’re looking to add a touch of uniqueness to your aviary, exotic bird species are a great option. These birds offer striking appearances and interesting behaviors that will captivate any bird enthusiast. Let’s explore some of the exotic birds that thrive in aviary environments.

Golden Pheasant

Golden Pheasant
Golden Pheasant

The Golden Pheasant is a beautiful bird native to China and is known for its striking plumage. The male of the species has a bright golden-yellow crest and rump, with a fiery orange-red body and long, sweeping tail feathers. Females are less flashy, with mottled brown plumage that camouflages them in their natural habitat.

AppearanceBehaviorCare Requirements
The male has a bright golden-yellow crest and rump, with a fiery orange-red body and long, sweeping tail feathers. Females have mottled brown plumage.They are hardy birds and fairly easy to care for. They are shy and not particularly social with other bird species, so it’s best to keep them in pairs or small groups.Golden Pheasants need a spacious enclosure with plenty of cover and perches. They require a diet of high-quality game bird feed, supplemented with fruits and vegetables.



Lorikeets are a colorful and playful addition to any aviary. They are native to Australia, Indonesia, and the Pacific islands and are known for their stunning plumage and their love for nectar and pollen. The most commonly kept lorikeet species in aviaries are the Rainbow Lorikeet and the Scaly-Breasted Lorikeet.

AppearanceBehaviorCare Requirements
Lorikeets have brightly colored plumage, with patches of blue, green, yellow, and red. Their tongues are specially adapted to extract nectar and pollen from flowers.They are active and playful birds that love to climb and play with toys. They are social and thrive in small flocks or pairs.Lorikeets require a specialized diet of nectar, pollen, and fruit. They also need plenty of toys and perches to keep them entertained.

Gouldian Finch

Gouldian Finch
Gouldian Finch

The Gouldian Finch is a small, brightly colored bird native to Australia. They are highly regarded for their striking plumage, with a rainbow of colors including red, green, purple, and yellow. Gouldian Finches are also known for their unique breeding behavior, with males competing for the attention of females.

AppearanceBehaviorCare Requirements
Gouldian Finches have striking plumage, with a rainbow of colors including red, green, purple, and yellow. Males and females have similar coloration.They are social birds that form monogamous pairs during breeding season. They are active and love to fly and explore their environment.Gouldian Finches need a spacious aviary with plenty of perches and nesting boxes. They require a diet of high-quality finch seed and fresh fruits and vegetables.

Overall, exotic birds can bring a unique and visually stunning element to your aviary. Keep in mind that they may have specialized care requirements and may not be as hardy as native bird species. However, with proper care and attention, these birds can thrive and add an exotic flair to your aviary.

Attractive Birds for Aviaries

Aviaries not only provide a comfortable living space for birds but also serve as a visual treat for bird enthusiasts. Choosing visually appealing bird species can enhance the beauty of your aviary and make it a stunning centerpiece of your home or property. In this section, we will explore some of the most attractive birds for aviaries.



Parrots are known for their stunning plumage and impressive vocalizations. These birds come in a variety of colors and sizes, making them a popular choice for bird owners. Some of the most attractive parrot species for aviaries include:

MacawsColorful feathers and long tails
CockatoosLarge white or light-colored plumage and bright crests
Eclectus ParrotsDistinctive green and red plumage



Pheasants are known for their striking markings and elaborate plumage. They come in a range of colors and sizes, making them an attractive addition to any aviary. Some of the most popular pheasant species for aviaries include:

  • Golden Pheasants
  • Silver Pheasants
  • Lady Amherst’s Pheasants

Doves and Pigeons

Doves and Pigeons
Doves and Pigeons

Doves and pigeons are known for their calm and gentle nature, making them an ideal choice for bird enthusiasts who prefer a more peaceful environment. Some of the most attractive dove and pigeon species for aviaries include:

  • Mourning Doves
  • Diamond Doves
  • Victoria Crowned Pigeons

Adding visually appealing bird species to your aviary can make it a true work of art. Keep in mind that while attractive birds can be a joy to look at, they still require proper care and attention to thrive in their environment.

Easy-to-care-for Aviary Birds

As a beginner bird keeper or someone who prefers low-maintenance birds, you may be wondering which bird species are easy to care for in aviaries. Here are some common birds for aviaries that are known for their ease of care:

Bird SpeciesSizeDietCompatibility with other birds
BudgerigarSmallSeeds, fruits, and vegetablesHighly social and adaptable to other birds
Zebra FinchSmallSeeds, some fruits and vegetablesCan be kept in large groups with other finches
CockatielMediumSeeds, fruits, and vegetablesCan be kept in pairs or small groups
CanarySmallSeeds and some fruits and vegetablesCan be kept in pairs or small groups

These birds are known for their adaptability to aviary environments, making them a great choice for easy care. They have simple dietary needs and can be easily housed in pairs or small groups. Additionally, they are highly social and can get along well with other birds, which is a plus for those looking to keep a diverse aviary.

When it comes to housing, the aviary should provide ample space for the selected bird species to move around and fly comfortably. It should also have branches, perches, and nesting boxes to mimic their natural habitat. Ensure that the water is clean and fresh, and the food is changed regularly.

While these bird species are easy to care for, it is still important to monitor their health regularly. Look out for signs of illness such as lethargy, loss of appetite, and change in behavior. Ensure they receive appropriate veterinary care if needed.

In conclusion, choosing easy-to-care-for birds for aviaries is a great option for novice bird keepers or those who prefer a low-maintenance aviary. By selecting birds such as budgerigars, zebra finches, cockatiels, and canaries, you can enjoy the beauty of aviary birds with minimal effort, making it a fulfilling and enjoyable experience.

Aviary Bird Care Tips

Proper care is crucial for the health and happiness of your aviary birds. Below are some essential care tips that apply to all bird species:

  • Provide a balanced diet: Offer a varied and nutritious diet that includes high-quality seeds, fruits, vegetables, and protein sources such as boiled eggs or mealworms. Avoid feeding your birds avocado, chocolate, sugar, and salty or greasy foods.
  • Ensure a clean environment: Regularly clean the aviary and its accessories, including perches, food and water dishes, and toys. Use a safe disinfectant and rinse everything thoroughly with clean water.
  • Monitor their health: Observe your birds daily for signs of illness, such as changes in behavior, appetite, or droppings. Consult a veterinarian immediately if you notice anything abnormal.
  • Encourage exercise: Provide ample space and opportunities for your birds to fly, climb, and play. Offer different types of perches and toys, and allow them to interact with other compatible birds.
  • Give them socialization: Birds are social creatures and need interaction with their own species or with humans. Spend time with your birds every day, talk to them, and provide positive reinforcement when they display good behavior.

By following these tips, you can help ensure the well-being of your aviary birds and create a happy and thriving avian community. Remember to research your specific bird species for any additional care requirements and always prioritize their health and safety.


In conclusion, creating an aviary is an exciting and rewarding endeavor, but choosing the right bird species is crucial for their health and well-being. Whether you opt for native or exotic birds, visually appealing species, or low-maintenance birds, it’s essential to provide proper care and attention.

Remember to maintain a suitable environment, including a suitable diet, adequate housing, and socialization with other birds. Always monitor for potential health issues, and seek professional advice when necessary.

By following these guidelines and considering the common birds for aviaries that we have discussed, you can create a vibrant and thriving aviary that brings joy and beauty to your life. So why wait? Start building your aviary today and enjoy the company of your feathered companions!


What are some common birds for aviaries?

Common birds for aviaries include finches, canaries, budgies, cockatiels, and lovebirds.

How do I choose the right aviary bird species?

When choosing aviary bird species, consider their behavior, size, and compatibility with other birds. Research their specific needs and requirements to ensure a successful aviary setup.

Are there any native aviary birds?

Yes, there are native aviary birds that are well-adapted to the local climate and ecosystem. Some examples include American goldfinches, Eastern bluebirds, and Carolina wrens.

What are some popular exotic aviary birds?

Popular exotic aviary birds include macaws, cockatoos, African greys, and eclectus parrots. These birds boast striking appearances and unique behavioral traits.

Which birds are known for their attractiveness in aviaries?

There are many visually appealing bird species for aviaries, such as peafowls, toucans, lorikeets, and sun conures. These birds display stunning plumage and interesting behaviors.

Are there any easy-to-care-for aviary birds?

Yes, some bird species are known for their ease of care in aviary environments. Examples include zebra finches, society finches, diamond doves, and button quails.

What are some essential aviary bird care tips?

It’s important to provide proper nutrition, suitable housing, opportunities for socialization, and regular health check-ups for aviary birds. Ensure their dietary needs are met, maintain a clean and secure habitat, and monitor their overall well-being.

What are the key considerations when building an aviary?

When building an aviary, consider the size of the enclosure, appropriate perches and nesting areas, adequate ventilation, and protection from predators. Additionally, ensure there is enough space for the birds to fly and exercise.

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